Saturday, February 27, 2016

HMS Victory !

Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson


HMS Victory

A look inside HMS Victory as Lord Nelson's 250-year-old 

         HMS Victory is a 104-gun first-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy launched in 1765. She is best known as Lord Nelson's flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

        He served during the American war for independence, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. It was the flagship of Keppel during the battle of Ouessant in 1778, that of the Jervis during the batlle of the cape St.Vincent and finally taht of the Admiral Nelson during the battle of Trafalgar. AFter 1824n the ship was removed from the active service and put in a dry dock in 1922 to Portsmouth. Currently he sis protected as ship museum.

      The ship embarked on board a crew of 850 people. The HMS Victory is a ship of the line with great mensaruation. A length of 57m for a displacement of 3,500 tons, the maximum speed of the boat is 8 to 9 knots ( approximaly 16km/h).

The HMS Victory was armed with smooth bore, cast iron cannon.

Initially she carried thiry 42 ponders (19kg) on her lower deck, twenty-eight 24 pounders (11kg) on her middle deck and thirty 12 pounders (5kg) on her upper deck.


"850 people lives in the boat"



Inside of HMS Victory

Panorama HMS Victory

The prow of HMS Victory with bow, flag and figure.

The stern of HMS Victory 

By Benjamin MARTY
Sources : Wikipédia, Dailymail, and

Sunday, February 21, 2016


hi everybody!
This week i had a big surprise because my parent's family and my girlfriend came to Wrexham!
on wednesday and thursday, we went to London by car. The lengh was around four hour to go to london. And then we made a reservation in a good hotel, the holidays villa hotel!

We went to London center by taxi, this kind of famous taxi :
We saw the Palace of Westminster with BigBen.
On the way to go to Buckingham palace, we saw a lot of famous people statues.
And then we took the bus to go to the tower bridge!

We ate at the red lion. It's a tipical pub/restaurant.

In the afternoon, we went to the historic Royal Palace Tower of London where are the Jewels of the Queen!
In this Palace we saw a sculpture by Brian Catling (scaffold site).
The Torture at the Tower, Bloody Tower, Coins and Kings exhibition.
The Fusiliers'Museum, the White Tower and the Royal Armouries.

It was an extremely good moment !

See you!

Source/Pictures: Damien

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Manchester !

We visited Manchester, we began by Burger King. It is not traditionnal but certains people had never eaten at Burger King beforeand like we are here to discover, we tried !!

We have remarked that there is lots of fast food and not only Mc Donald or Buger King but lots of others!!!

After we walked in the town center of Manchester.

We visted the library St John's, It was very big and the book are very exhaustif about the philisophy, sciences, Baudelaire... Ideed there are lots of book in French, it was surprising !

 It was like in the movie and book  Harry Potter.

We went to visit the museum of Industry and science. We  laughed because there were lots of tests about different topics about the evolution our world and too about the use of wather, the waste, our meaning...

Nest this museum, we visited an other museum about Football. It was very modern, we can play football with a virtual ball, there is all history of english club and the evolution of this sport. It was interesting. We teached something.

Photo by Juliette

See you soon,


Sunday, February 07, 2016

Chester City

The 29th January, we went to Chester, a city on the North of Wrexham.
With 80,000 inhabitant, It's a little city in North Wales.

We took the train from Wrexham to Chester on the morning. After 20 minutes and £5,60 we arrived in Chester.

Picture by Matt Rvl


We visited the centre of Chester with typicals streets and the Eastgate Clock.

We ate in a little pub at 12. Fish and chips and bear :)
Of course, we were lonely to eat, yes, we are just french

After we went at Chester Cathedral, with the height of 39m and built in 1541, it's a beautiful monument. In the Cathedral, we could find a replica of it in Lego.

We visited St john the Bastist's Church (build in 689 and reconstructed on the ruins until 1925) and the Chester Roman Amphitheatre (discovered in 1929)

And we back at home.

Picture by Léo.

Thank you, 