Wednesday, March 30, 2016

London :-)

Hi everyone !

This article is about London ! Léo and me stayed in London during 4 days. I met my brother and my sister. The fist day of our journey will be explain by Léo and me, I will explain our second day of our long week-end.

On saturday, there was lots of rain. That's why we visited two museum:
- the british museum
- the natural history museum

Before this visite, we walked in London and we saw the museum of Sherlock Holmes.

We began by the british museum. It was a little like "Le Louvre " in Paris. We made ancient Egypt exhibition. 

There was some sarcophagi, it was an exhibition very interesting. there were egyptian sculture and the different ceremonial about the dealth and the life.

Next we visited the ancient greece and rome exhib. This exhib show the jewelry of this area and the fourniture of home with vases. We can see about this vases the drawing which show the life's scene. and naturally the armours.

We saw too the asia and islamic exhibition.

This mueseum is very impressive and remarkable.

For the next of your journey, you have to see the next article !!

See you soon,
Photos of Juliette and Léo

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