Saturday, April 09, 2016

Promise delivered: CHESTER with my girlfriend

Hi !

Five days ago, my girlfriend came to see me and we visited Chester. I know this city because we made some parties already with Leo, Benjamin and Juliette. But this day was for my girlfriend and we visited all monuments in this city! :)
We took the train from Wrexham at 10:00 AM to Chester. The train station of Chester is so pretty!
We saw the Queen Vicoria the principal avenue. We walked a lot and discovered the Chester Cathedral which is big and awesome with a lot of stained glass Windows.
The lenght of the Antique roman city Walls which protected the city is around three Kilometres. The Roman Amphitheatre, the rows, the river Dee, and Roman Gardens are so beautiful. I like Chester because it's not a big city but i'm feeling well in this city. :)
We made a lot of shop and bought a lot of things!

Thank you for your attention and see you later!
Pictures by Damien.

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